Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Few Notes on Cleveland vs. San Antonio

-Lebron's introduction was one of the loudest I've heard since the MJ days.

-Thank God "Boobie" Gibson finally got to start tonight. I know Mike Brown's a terrible coach, but he should have accepted Larry's injury before the Finals started.

-The call on Donyell Marshall was terrible. Referees infuriate me when they make calls when they are OUT of position. There was so little contact to begin with, why risk it? Get over yourself, Mr. Ref.

-I'll never forget Tim Duncan's stunned face when refs call questionable calls on him. His deer-in-the-headlights look is reminiscent of Rechie Caldwall. Why does Duncan seem surprised, he has the you-just-made-the-worst-call-ever" face about 6 times a game. Don't act so surprised, TimmyD, it happens every night.

-Drew Gooden can be a phenomenal player like he was in college, sometimes. I feel like when Gooden gets solid minutes he either goes 8 points, 10 boards or the occasional 20-20 game he invariably gets. I wonder if he can start posting numbers between those two extremes night-to-night. The Cavs' quest for a second option continues.

That's all for now, folks. Hopefully I'll have time to supply some more later.

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